GettyImages 527803604
You can cancel your Funimation subscription in multiple ways.
Mikael Vaisanen/Getty Images
  • You can cancel a Funimation subscription in several ways, depending on how you signed up for the anime streaming service.
  • You can cancel on, or on the iOS app through iTunes, the Android app through Google Play Billing, the Apple TV app, through Microsoft Wallet and more.
  • After canceling your Funimation subscription, you will no longer be charged for their streaming service.
  • Visit Business Insider’s Tech Reference library for more stories.

Funimation’s 13,000 hours of anime content can provide endless entertainment, but maybe you want to save a little bit of cash each month or you’re trying to beat the clock on that free trial. In either case, you will need to cancel your Funimation subscription in order to prevent your credit card from being charged further.

If you’re looking to cancel your Funimation subscription, it only takes a few clicks to get where you need to go, which will vary upon your chosen cancellation method. 

How to cancel a Funimation subscription if you signed up on the website

To cancel your Funimation subscription if you paid with a credit card or PayPal on the Funimation website, you’ll need to visit their website and access your account.

1. On a desktop or laptop computer, open your preferred internet browser and go to

2. If you aren’t already logged in to your Funimation account, click «Log In» in the upper right corner of the website’s homepage. Type in the email address and password associated with your Funimation account and click «Sign In.»

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On the Funimation website, click «Log in» to enter your account credentials.
Chrissy Montelli/Business Insider

3. In the upper right corner of the webpage, click on the purple circle. In the drop-down menu that appears, click «My Account.»

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Click on the purple circle icon and then select «My Account» in the drop-down menu.
Chrissy Montelli/Business Insider

4. On the «My Account» page, click on the «Subscription» tab, then click «Cancel.»

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Under the «Subscription» tab, click «Cancel» next to the Active status.
Chrissy Montelli/Business Insider

5. On the next page, you will be asked to confirm that you wish to cancel your subscription. To finalize the cancellation, click «Cancel Subscription.»

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Click «Cancel Subscription» to confirm.
Chrissy Montelli/Business Insider

How to cancel a Funimation subscription if you signed up with the iOS app 

To cancel your Funimation subscription if you signed up with the iOS app, you’ll need to do so through iTunes on your iPhone. 

1. Open the Settings app on your home screen.

2. Tap on your Apple ID at the top of the screen to view it (you might need to sign into your Apple ID).

3. Tap «Subscriptions.»

4. Select the Funimation app under Active to edit your subscription.

5. Click «Cancel Subscription.»

How to cancel a Funimation subscription if you signed up with the Android app

To cancel your Funimation subscription if you signed up with the Android app, you first need to open the Funimation app on your Android phone. 

1. Make sure you’re logged into your account in the app. 

2. Tap on the hamburger menu, and then tap «Settings.»

3. Hit «Your Plan» to be directed to the Google Play «Subscriptions» screen.

4. Select «Funimation» and hit «Cancel subscription.»

5. Select your reason for canceling and then confirm. 

How to cancel a Funimation subscription if you signed up with the Apple TV app

To cancel your Funimation subscription if you signed up with the Apple TV app, you’ll need to access your Apple TV.

1. Open the Settings app in the main menu. 

2. Select «Accounts,» and then «Manage Subscriptions.» 

3. Enter the password to your Apple ID. 

4. Select «Funimation.» 

5. Turn off automatic renewal and then confirm. 

How to cancel a Funimation subscription if you signed up with Amazon In-App Purchase

To cancel your Funimation subscription if you signed up with Amazon In-App Purchase, you’ll need to first visit

1. Log into the Amazon account you used to sign up for Funimation.

2. Click on «Your Subscriptions.»

3. Click on «Actions» next to Funimation’s renewal date. 

4. Select «Turn off auto-renewal.»

5. Confirm. 

How to cancel a Funimation subscription if you signed up with Microsoft Wallet on Xbox One 

To cancel your Funimation subscription if you signed up with Microsoft Wallet on Xbox One, first visit

1. Log into the Microsoft account you used to sign up for Funimation. 

2. Go to «Services & subscriptions» and click «Manage» next to Funimation. 

3. Click «Confirm Cancellation.»

If you signed up through the Funimation Roku Channel, you can go to to cancel. With the Funimation Android TV, PS4, and Samsung Smart TV apps, you’ll need to go to the Funimation website and log into your account to cancel. 

Once you have successfully canceled your Funimation subscription, you will no longer be charged $7.99 a month to use their service. However, you won’t be able to access the same ad-free video content as before.

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