Hannah Hood
Hannah Hood.Courtesy of Hannah Hood
  • Hannah Hood got passed up for a promotion she wanted while working from home — twice.
  • While her career took a hit, she loved the flexibility in her personal life and even got her MBA virtually.
  • In her new role, her colleagues are also remote, so in-office visibility is no longer a factor.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Hannah Hood, 26, a corporate marketing manager from Indianapolis, Indiana. It's been edited for length and clarity.

When I took my first job at 22, I remember impressing my friends with the fact that I didn't have to go into the office on Friday and had the option to work one day from home. The remote Friday was a major perk that made the job — a marketing role at my local university in rural Indiana — more enticing.

I usually laid in bed and did menial, tedious tasks while watching TV

On my work-from-home days, I'd typically knock out things like scheduling social media posts, organizing, and getting caught up on my email.

Sometimes I'd use it as my writing day and write press releases or blogs too. It was rare that we had meetings on Fridays, but if we did, I'd take calls from the spare bedroom of my apartment.

In my first 11 months on the job, I got to build relationships with coworkers, gain an understanding of the company and the type of work I was doing, and establish myself in the role. So when COVID-19 hit and we went remote, it didn't feel that different to me — the team dynamics just shifted to Zoom, and I continued working. 

I got passed up for the promotion I wanted while working from home, though — and then it happened again

I no longer had the same visibility with my superiors at the coordinator/manager level that I'd once had when they had to walk by my cubicle every morning. I wasn't in meetings, getting valuable face-time with decision-makers. 

So when those promotions popped up, I simply wasn't on their radar until I advocated for myself. And at that point, decisions were already made. 

The first promotion that I got passed up for took place when we were 100% remote, in the thick of COVID. The second one occurred when we were in transition to return to the office.

At that time, I'd moved to Indianapolis and the rest of the team was in a different location, so I was coming into the office only as was absolutely required, while several other team members came in much more frequently.

At the same time, it was amazing for my personal life

Remote work allowed for a ton of personal flexibility, so I spent more time being active, cooking, volunteering, and spending quality time with my friends and my husband. 

It also gave me freedom to design a work environment at home that suited me. I have a home-base in our spare bedroom with double monitor, keyboard, and decorated desk, but I thrive when I'm able to shake up my work environment day-to-day, week-to-week — I'll work from my bed, couch, the kitchen, my mom's kitchen, over Zoom with my other remote-working friends, or in local coffee shops. 

The situation allowed me to obsessively train our new dog and get my MBA 100% virtually, which was super convenient. I had more energy to put towards my education; my workdays didn't drain me in the same way that they had when I was in office. 

But it's been a trade-off because of how it impacted my career

I ended up leaving my job at the university in March 2022. I'd just had my daughter, the three-hour round-trip commute once a week just wasn't working, and I knew that I was tapped out in terms of my job growth.

I took a job at a PR agency in Indianapolis, where I worked in a hybrid setup with two days in the office and three days remote. I enjoyed my time there, but when a recruiter reached out with an opportunity for a full-remote job, I couldn't help but see it through. 

Now I'm about three months into a 100% remote job as a corporate marketing manager at ServicePower, where most of my coworkers are over 500 miles away. Some are across the globe. 

I love the culture, which is built around the fact that the majority of the team is remote

A few times a year, the team gets together for strategy meetings and social events at our base in DC, but the rest of the year, everyone works collaboratively over Teams. I've even been invited to a few virtual coffee chats with some of my coworkers where we take time to talk about our lives and connect on a more personal level. 

It makes a huge difference to work somewhere that knows how to manage remote workers versus a work-remote situation that occurred as a result of COVID. I'm not worried about getting passed up for opportunities because we're all in this remote environment together.

As a young mom and homeowner, I'm thankful I'll never have the stress of figuring out how to take care of my family and maintain my house with the pressure to sit in an office for eight hours a day, not to mention the commute. 

I get to spend more time with my daughter. My husband and I don't have to stress about being able to make childcare pick-up and drop-off times. When things pop up like a leaky roof or sink, we also don't have to stress about finding a time to be home for repairs; I'm already there.

"Adulting" comes with a huge mental load. Working remotely makes balancing it all feel more feasible.


Read the original article on Business Insider